Russian level knowledge working expats

The Article 3 of the Federal Law of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation #255 as of 01.04.2014 defines the level of Russian language knowledge for the working expats and foreign employees intended to be employed on quota basis (HSE are excluded from the list).

3. To the basic level of Russian as foreign language knowledge for working expatriates (ТБУМ/А1) the following requirements are set.

3.1. The skill to read short simple texts from different information sources (in particular, names of newspapers and magazines, signboards and tables, inscriptions, signposts, notifications).

3.2. The skill to construct oral monologue (statement) with the elements of production in accordance with communicative keynote idea or posed questions on the basis of heard or listened texts (un example, written reproduction with the elements of composition, written reproduction with terms of creative engagement).

3.3. To understand aurally the general information (meaning general text context, communicative intensions) contained in short monologues and dialogs of social conditions)

3.4. The skill of self – consistently structuring of correlated and logical statements in accordance with communicative keynote idea; to understand the context of the conversation partner’ statement, to define his communicative intensions within limited amount of social conditions situations.

3.5. The usage of grammatical and lexical skills in the statements of personal intensions within limited amount of social conditions situations.

The lexical volume is 850 words.

The examination itself will consist of:

  • 20 questions on Russian History (i.e. when the Great Patriotic War started; when the serfdom law was rejected, etc.)
  • 20 questions on Russian legislation
  • Russian language test.

The Certificate confirming test passing will be valid for 5 years (the number of attempts to pass the test is unlimited).

Previously there were intended educational centers in Russia and abroad able to accept the examination and to issue the Certificate. Now the tests could be passed at centers of FMS and at the authorized Russian Universities.